Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Purple rain!

I took a two week break from blogging as I lost my inspiration and I also got a new job where I don't have much time for other stuff. I've been super exhausted and this has been my first free day in days.
 I've set a life changing goal for myself but in order to realise it I need money, so I still have my motivation to not quit and go for it. I can complain and whine as much as I want but at the end of the day you can't make your dreams come true if you don't put work into it,right?
Anyways, now about my outfit. I bought this dress two or three years ago but I've worn it maybe two times, I don't know why because I love it, I love the colour and the zipper details on both sides. The only thing that bothers me is that the dress is sleeveless maybe that's why I haven't worn it much.

Dress: Zara/ Jacket: Lindex/ Bracelets: Asos/ Necklace: Unknown/ 

Boots: Rivel Island


  1. Beautiful dress!

    xx MJ

  2. I love the name of your blog! I especially adore your hair


  3. Beautiful dress dear!! I love how you styled it!
    Happy new year!!!

  4. Lovely blog! I'm following you, hope you'll follow me back :)

    Sanja's Burgundy Blog
    Sanja's Burgundy Facebook Page

  5. You have such a pretty smile, and I love this gorgeous dress on you. Best of luck with all of your aspirations! You definitely sound like you got this :) I’d love for us to keep in touch via bloglovin’ or GFC! Let me know on my blog, I’ll be sure to follow back!

    s a r t o r i a l d i n e r
